45 year old mother of two adult children. She was referred to us by her good friend who is also a breast patient here. Her current bra size is a 36 D and she likes her breast volume in a good supportive bra. What she doesn’t like about her breasts is their “droopy” appearance and what they look like without clothing. She wants them to be perky again and to be more full in the upper poles. She has seen our website and has done some research on this subject, and she says that she has wanted to do this surgery for many years. She has a history of fibrocystic breasts and that her yearly mammogram have always been negative. She is also very active with running and states that she has to wear two support bras to keep her breasts from bouncing too much. Height is 5′ 11″. Weight is 147 pounds. To address her breast ptosis (droop), we suggested to proceed with a mastopexy (breast lift) to correct these issues of sagging and appearance. This also allowed us to reduce the size of her areolae, which were stretched out and too large for her breasts. The procedure was performed in-office in our fully accredited (AAAASF) facility under light sedation and local anesthesia. Results shown at 3 months.