A pleasant 32 year old mother of two children, ages 5 years and 19 months old. Her children are both girls and she did breast feed them both. She states that she has lost volume after having children and even in a good support bra would like more volume. She is fine with the placement of her nipples and does not think there is much droop, even after both pregnancies and breast feeding. She does know people who have had breast augmentation surgery in the past. She does have a pre-existing Pectus Excavatum deformity, which is a depression of the sternal area and can create a very deep cleavage after breast augmentation. Height is 5′ 8″. Weight is 118 pounds. After trying on our sizers, she decided that her goal was around 400 cc. She underwent bilateral breast augmentation; subpectoral: smooth round high profile silicone gel implants (425cc right, 400cc left). The procedure was performed in-office in our fully accredited (AAAASF) facility under light sedation and local anesthesia. Results shown at 2 years.