A pleasant 32 year old, she is married and the mother of 3 children, (she breast fed all 3 of them). She presented with her husband to talk about breast surgery. She related that she would like to have implants for more volume, but she also states that her left breast is “drooping a little”, and is slightly larger than her right breast. Height is 5’5″. Weight is 150 pounds. She states her goal is for fuller, perky breasts, and to be more even in volume. She would like to know if she is a candidate for an augmentation and what the fees associated with it are. We did discuss that the only thing I can do with breast implants is to make her breasts larger: breast implants, of themselves, do not lift anything. Simply adding implants will not make a breast “perkier”. This is an important distinction to understand. However, we have found that in those patients with sufficient breast tissue to start with, placing the implants ABOVE the muscle (subglandularly) can fill out the breast envelope better. She was augmented with 550 cc smooth round high profile silicone gel implants placed subglandularly (over the muscle) via inframammary incisions. The procedure was performed in-office in our fully accredited (AAAASF) facility under light sedation and local anesthesia. Results shown at 2 months.