38-year-old female who is here today for consultation to discuss options for sagging and possibly adding “just a little volume” in her breasts, as well as a lump on the right thigh. She has three children that were all breast fed. She states she is done having children; the youngest child breast fed up until about 7 months ago. She currently wears a 36D bra. When she is in an unpadded, supportive bra, she is happy with her volume, but states she “may want a tiny bit more.” Her main concern is how saggy her breasts have gotten, especially after breast feeding the last child. We discussed that implants cannot lift a breast, and that what she is asking for is a breast lift (mastopexy). She had a bilateral V-to-T mastopexy (breast lift) performed in-office in our fully accredited (AAAASF) facility under light sedation and local anesthesia. Results shown at 3 months.