29 year old mother of twins, came in to discuss having a breast lift or augmentation. She states she thought she needed breast implants, until she did her research and feels now like it is a lift that she needs. She states that since having her children that she is very uncomfortable from the sagging and pulling on her shoulders. She is happy with her breast volume, but would like them to sit higher like they did prior to children. She states she had a consultation at another plastic surgery office that did not go well, it left her feeling poorly about her body, so she was a little nervous about our visit; but, she is hopeful that this will go better. Height is 5’6″. Weight is 130 pounds. She had a bilateral V-to-T mastopexy (breast lift). The procedure was performed in-office in our fully accredited (AAAASF) facility under light sedation and local anesthesia. Results shown at 2 months.