48 year old is unhappy with the saggy appearance of her breasts, but likes the way she looks in a good support bra (i.e., she is happy with her volume). She has seen our website and has done a lot of research on breast lifts. She is here today to see if she is a good candidate. Height is 5′ 6″. Weight is 150 pounds. To address her breast ptosis (droop), we suggested to proceed with a mastopexy (breast lift) to correct these issues of sagging and appearance. This also allowed us to reduce the size of her areolae, which were stretched out and too large for her breasts. To address symmetry, we removed some breast tissue from the left breast during the procedure, to even out the size for her. The procedure was performed in-office in our fully accredited (AAAASF) facility under light sedation and local anesthesia. Results shown at 3 months.