24 year old female here today for breast augmentation consultation. She is finishing up graduate school. She is engaged, does not have any children; she is here today to discuss options for breast enhancement. She was not sure if she needed a breast lift and/or an augmentation. She states she was heavier in her early teenage years, and lost about 30 pounds before starting high school. She states when she lost the weight, her breasts became droopier, although she admitted she has never really had “perky” breasts. Her goal is to “have breasts that look like a 24 year old’s SHOULD look.” She was unsure if she would want to increase the size of her breasts or not, and what procedure would best meet her goals. Height is 5’3″. Weight is 125 pounds. She had a bilateral V-to-T mastopexy (breast lift). No breast implants were placed. The procedure was performed in-office in our fully accredited (AAAASF) facility under light sedation and local anesthesia. Results shown at 3 months.