31-year-old female who is here today for consultation to discuss options for body contouring, including breasts. She does not have any children currently, and she is not sure if she will have them in the future. She states she has been working on weight loss with diet and exercise, and she has already lost 35 pounds. However, she states she has “problem areas” even with the weight loss, so she is here today to see what options are available to address these areas. She wanted to discuss options for stretch marks on the breasts. She is happy with the volume of her breasts, but she does not like the stretch marks on the upper and medial breasts. She states she is unable to wear anything low cut because the stretch marks are so visible. She thinks they look less noticeable when the skin is more stretched out, such as when she wears a push up bra, so she is wondering if maybe an implant will help “fill” the stretch marks in. However, she does not want any more volume in her breasts. She also has concerns about droop, so she is wondering if a breast lift is needed and if the stretch marks will be helped with that approach as well. Her goal for her breasts is to have them perkier and the stretch marks less visible. Height is 5’6″. Weight is 200 pounds. To address her significant breast ptosis (droop) as well as directly resect the visible stretch marks, we suggested to proceed with a mastopexy (breast lift) to correct these issues of sagging and appearance. The procedure was performed in-office in our fully accredited (AAAASF) facility under light sedation and local anesthesia. Results shown at 3 months.