35 year old female who is married with 3 children; all of which she breast fed for a year each. After her last pregnancy she said she started losing weight and has currently lost a total of 80 lbs. She states that now she her breasts are heavy and “her children have basically sucked the life out of them”. She states that she is currently a triple D and thinks that in a supportive bra she would be happy with a little less volume. Height is 5’8. Weight is 200 pounds. Because of her significant breast ptosis (droop), we suggested and she agreed to proceed with a mastopexy (breast lift) to address her concerns regarding sagging and breast appearance. She had a small amount of breast tissue removed as well, a total of 250 gm removed from the left breast, and 225 gm removed from the right. The procedure was performed in-office in our fully accredited (AAAASF) facility under light sedation and local anesthesia. Results shown at 3 months.