51-year-old female presented to discuss options for a breast lift or a small reduction. She currently wears a DD bra, and when she wears good support without padding, she feels like her breasts are “a little too big.” She does not know if a breast lift will make her breasts a little smaller, or if she needs a small reduction. She reports a history of a benign tumor removal from the left breast, which she states was about “5cm of tissue.” The left breast is slightly smaller than the right because of this, and she is wondering if a reduction will help make them more symmetrical. Her goal is to have perkier, slightly smaller, and more symmetrical breasts. She wants her breasts to be smaller, but does not want a “flat breast.” Height is 5’4″. Weight is 150 pounds. To address her breast ptosis (droop), we suggested to proceed with a mastopexy (breast lift) to correct these issues of sagging and appearance. This also allowed us to reduce the size of her areolae, which were stretched out and too large for her breasts. We were also able to slightly reduced the volume of her breasts, removing 140 grams from the right breast, and 65 grams from the left. The procedure was performed in-office in our fully accredited (AAAASF) facility under light sedation and local anesthesia. Results shown at 3 months.