15-year-old male who is here today for consultation to discuss options for “fullness” of the nipples (gynecomastia). He is accompanied by his mother. He is very self-conscious about the fullness of his nipples, and avoids any activities that require him to take his shirt off. He often tapes his nipples down, which has caused some irritation in the past. He would like to know what can be done to flatten the nipples out so that they look “normal” and do not poke out in his shirts. He states he has tried losing weight to see if they will go down, but he has not noticed any changes. Height is 6’1″. Weight is 150 pounds. Resection of his excess breast tissue was performed under sedation and local in-office, in our fully accredited (AAAASF) facility under light sedation and local anesthesia. Results are shown at 3 months.