50 year old had a “breast lift” and saline breast implants placed subglandularly (above the muscle) by another plastic surgeon about 5 years earlier. Before she had that breast surgery, she had lost 100 pounds and noted that she had a lot of excess skin (and droop) at her breasts. Her current bra size is a 36 DDD and she is very unhappy with her size and appearance of her breasts. She states that it is hard to buy clothing that fits, and feels like her large breasts draw unwanted attention to her. She would like to remove the saline implants and lift her breasts and wished to discuss her options. Height is 5’2″. Weight is 116 pounds. First maneuver: deflate the saline implants. Several months later, returned to perform bilateral mastopexy with explantation of her saline implants. The procedure was performed in-office in our fully accredited (AAAASF) facility under light sedation and local anesthesia. Results shown at 2 months.